Sunday, October 14, 2012

"What are little boys made of" Kimmel-Quotes.


“To hear some tell it, there is a virtual war against boys in America. Best sellers subtitles counsel us to ‘protect’ boys, to ‘rescue’ them. Inside, we hear how boys are failing in school, where their behavior is increasingly seen as a problem. Therapists advise anguished parents about boys fragility, their hidden despair and despondence. Boys, we read, are depressed, suicidal, emotionally shut down.”

-First I would like to touch on the “protect” and “rescue” aspect. What are we rescuing them from exactly? Feminism? Yes, because I’m sure a young boy knows all about feminism. I also don’t like how in this quote, the word “boys” is so broad. In the last sentence it says “boys, we read, are depressed, suicidal, emotionally shut down”. Is this sentence applying to EVERY boy? Or maybe perhaps just a small percentage of kids who happen to be male. Also, a boy’s behavior is different than girls because of biology and other factors as well. Maybe they have a behavior problem because of situations at home, problems at school, problems with friends, etc. This opening paragraph was a little bizarre to me and felt the need to argue against it.

"If all the boys are white and middle class, at least they're not all straight. Most therapists treat homosexuality casually, dropping in a brief reference, ‘explaining’ it as biological, and urging compassion and understanding before returning to more "important" stuff."

-          I read this quote first on Jessica’s blog, and then when reading the article it really stuck out to me. I don’t like how it’s just a “brief” topic. All too often, authors sweep homosexuality under the rug and don’t acknowledge it the way they should. In my first quote and in the beginning of the article it says how boys are depressed, suicidal, and emotionally shut down. The author doesn’t specify if this means gay or straight boys, since he uses the word so broadly, but I think this could potentially apply to gay males in the sense that many struggle with their sexual orientation. How often do we hear about bullying especially when it comes to gay people? Bullying leads to depression, being suicidal and emotionally shutting down. I think that is the small percentage of “boys” he was referring to in the beginning.

“The real boy crisis usually goes by another name. We call it “teen violence”, “youth violence”, “gang violence”, “violence in the schools”. Let’s face facts: men and boys are responsible for 85 percent of all violent crimes in this country, and their victims are overwhelmingly male as well. From an early age, boys learn that violence is not only an acceptable form of conflict resolution, but one that is admired.”

This quote I do agree with. It is true that male’s respond quickly to violence and are exposed to it at such an early age. But whose fault is that? Society’s. There are so many movies and video games out there that target a young male audience so it’s not a surprise that boys are the more “violent” type.  I feel better that within this quote it has a percentage narrowed down instead of the general word use of “boys”. Lastly, I agree with the statement saying that violence is admired in boys. The tougher you are, the higher up on the pedestal you are in most cases.

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